Thursday, December 8, 2011

So much to be thankful for....

What a busy month November has been, but what better way to end than by remembering how very blessed we are (sorry Mr. Bill for ending this sentence in a preposition).  This year was extra special because we were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with both sets of parents.  Since we were going to Memphis for Thanksgiving dinner, we invited my parents to come along, it was great seeing Maddie with all 4 grandparents.  We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with our Memphis family, almost like a mini vacation. We spent 5 days in Memphis, and boy did we make the most of it. Thanks so much to Aunt Sissy for keeping us entertained, and for capturing all of these memories on photo, since I left my camera at home, I hope we didn't wear out our welcome!!

I thank God everyday for my beautiful, healthy, perfect family

My lil Turkey!! (Thanks Aunt Amber for the shirt)

The Simpson women

Maddie playing with Nannaw, her great grandmother

Sorry guys I couldn't figure out how to turn this picture, but anyway, instead of fighting the shopping traffic on Friday, Maddie, Mimi (Mark's mom), Aunt Sissy, and myself went to the Festival of Trees at the Pink Palace.

On Monday, Maddie, Mark, Aunt Sissy, and myself went to the Memphis Children's Museum, I thought the mini grocery store was the cutest thing ever.  I highly recommend going if you have small children.

And finally on Monday night, we attended the monthly Memphis Jr. League meeting to watch Aunt Sissy become the new 2012 President....Congratulations...We Love You!!!