Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year's in The Music City

As soon as it was announced that Mississippi State would be playing in the Music City Bowl, we knew where we would be New Year's weekend.  We had the best time with friends, and Maddie even got to come along with my parent's to help babysit.  2011 has been a great year, watching Maddie grow and change into a toddler instead of a baby, I am so excited to see what 2012 has in store for our family.
Heading into the game.

Trying to stay warm.

Maddie hanging out at the Opryland hotel.

New Year's Eve at the Opryland Hotel.

The boys.

Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas

Wow, I can't believe Christmas 2011 is already here and over, but man did we have fun.  Maddie was really into opening presents this year, but didn't care at all about seeing Santa.  Maybe next year we can get a picture of her in his lap without Mommy.  We spent the holidays busy as usual, Christmas Eve was spent with my family.  Christmas morning we woke up to see what Santa had left, and then we headed to Memphis to be with Mark's family.  I love this time of year, getting to spend quality time with wonderful family and friends, but most importantly we get to relive the birth of Jesus, isn't that what it is all about after all!!!

 Ella Grace & Maddie so excited to open presents.

They had to stop and play with each gift after it was open.

Time to make cookies for Santa.

Santa came to our house, and even left a Dora potty seat!!

Aunt Sissy with her three little reindeer.

You can always bribe the child with a cookie!

Cookie time at Mimi & Papa's